Ethereum Network Transactions Sees Major Upgrade
Buterin revealed the latest innovative solution in a blog post titled “Epochs and slots all the way down: ways to give Ethereum users faster transaction confirmation times.”
Due to the existing approach’s drawn-out procedure, users have grown increasingly uneasy with it over the past few years. This is because the slot-by-slot voting method and the epoch-by-epoch finality mechanism are intricate and common with interaction flaws and 12.8 minutes is an excessively long time, as no one is interested in waiting that long.
However, with the introduction of the Single Slot Finality, all of this is about to change, as the SSF will supersede this approach with a process more akin to Tendermint consensus where block N is finalized prior to block N+1 being made. The primary distinction with Tendermint is that users can maintain the “inactivity leak” method, which keeps the chain alive and helps it recover in the event that over one-third of the validators go offline.
Two Distinct Preconfirmations System
According to the blog post, the SSF feature boasts of two distinct approaches which include the Rollup preconfirmations and the Based preconfirmations.
The Rollup confirmations generate a division of concerns within the Ethereum ecosystem. As a result, ETH layer 1 solutions will concentrate on being censorship-resistant, trustworthy, stable, and preserving and enhancing a specific fundamental core of functionality, while layer 2s will focus on engaging with users directly by making different technological and cultural compromises.