How To Find Crypto Alpha?

How To Find Crypto Alpha?

1 year ago

Supercharge your crypto journey and filter your way to alpha on CoinMarketCap's platform.

How To Find Crypto Alpha?


You read our coin page tutorial and successfully swerved the FOMO.

But now you have a new problem.

How do you find crypto alpha?

Rest assured, CoinMarketCap has got you covered on that one as well.

Here are 5 ways how to find crypto alpha on our landing page.

Start Browsing Categories

The easiest way is to open the categories tab and check the indexes of different coin categories:

Coins are grouped into different categories with different analytics:

  • The average price change of the category in the last 24 hours.
  • The top-performing cryptocurrency in this category.
  • The market cap and trading volume of the category.
  • The number of cryptocurrencies in profit and loss over the last 24 hours.

If you click on a specific category, you can dive deeper into the individual cryptocurrencies:

Check the Hottest Categories

Coin categories are not created equal. The hottest and most relevant ones are listed at the top of the list:

Each of these categories lists the top cryptocurrencies. Let’s say you want to dive into the liquid staking narrative:

Categories are a quick and easy way to find similar projects or browse for cryptocurrencies in a hot narrative.

But how do you find what’s hot and trending today?

Trending Coins Coming Right Up

CoinMarketCap does all the hard work and lists the top trending coins on the homepage. It literally does not get easier than this.

If you click on “More” you will find the cryptocurrencies that people are searching for on CoinMarketCap. These aren’t necessarily the top performers, but they are definitely in demand:

This page has a lot more alpha for you as well…

Find the Coins in the Spotlight

Click again on “More” in the trending coins:

There are some very interesting categories there to discover:

Click on “Spotlight” for the cryptocurrencies to watch:

The page conveniently lists all the biggest gainers and losers of the last 24 hours along with the most popular cryptocurrencies. You can click on the gainers or losers for more details:
Then there’s the “Most Visited” tab with the cryptocurrencies that have sought-after coin pages:
And finally, the favorite of every altcoin connoisseur, the “Recently Added” tab, where you can find recently added cryptocurrencies. These are probably not your new Bitcoins and Ethereums, but that’s not what you are looking for on this page:

Want Your Own Categories? Filter Away!

If none of these are hitting your buttons, then you can hit your own buttons by filtering for what you like.

Click on the “Filters” on the homepage, and you will be able to filter across categories, mining algorithms, platforms or even custom filters. No way there’s not something you like:

Want More? Let Us Know!

If you have more suggestions or ideas for features to include, sign up for our community and tag the CMC account with your suggestions.
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