Hotbit announced that they will stop all their operations from May 22nd, 2023. Users are able to withdraw their remaining assets before June 21st, 2023. For more details, please check their official announcement here.
Dados de volume não rastreados
Este projeto está apresentado como "Lista Não Rastreável"
Founded in 2018 and holding an Estonian MTR license, an American MSB license, an Australian AUSTRAC license, and a Canadian MSB license, Hotbit cryptocurrency exchange is known as a cryptocurrency trading platform that continues to develop and integrate various forms of businesses such as spot trading, financial derivatives, cryptocurrency investment, and DAPP into one platform. Currently, Hotbit’s company covers more than 210 countries and areas. Based on its globalized and unified strategies, Hotbit continues to focus on the world's emerging markets such as Russia, Turkey, and southeastern Asia markets. It was ranked one of the top 3 most welcomed exchanges by Russian media in 2019.
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