暗号資産: 9.81M+
取匕所: 778
ドミナンス: BTC: 57.5% ETH: 10.9%

World's Top TG Price Bot

Receive real-time market data first hand on Telegram today!

More about CMC's TG Bot

Enable Telegram price bot in group chat

1. Add CoinMarketCap Price Bot on Telegram and go to its profile page.

2. Click on “Add to Group or Channel” and select your chat group.

3. Click on "Add Bot as Admin" with granted access and you are all set!

Chat with the price bot directly

1. Add CoinMarketCap Price Bot on your Telegram.

2. Go to the CoinMarketCap Telegram Bot profile page.

3. Click on “Message” and start a conversation.

4. Click on "Start" and you are all set!

Check crypto prices directly on Telegram

1. Simply enter the /p command and receive the latest price data, trade volume, market cap and circulating supply of a specific token

eg. /p eth

2. The bot will reply your query with the latest price data, trade volume, market cap and circulating supply.

Set a group default token

1. Group admins to set up a default token: ‍Enter the /set_contract command, e.g. /set_contract eth.

2. Group members to receive price data: Enter the /p command

Manage default token setting

1. To restrict price tracking for non-default tokens: Enter the /disable_other_tokens command

2. To allow price tracking for non-default tokens: Enter the /enable_other_tokens command

Receive hourly price alerts

1. Set a default token for a chat

2. Enter the /enable_hourly_price_alert command to turn on hourly price updates. To turn off the price alerts: Enter the /enable_hourly_price_alert command
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