Incognito pDEX

Incognito pDEX


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Questo progetto è presentato come "Elenco non tracciato"

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Informazioni su Incognito pDEX

The Incognito privacy DEX (pDEX) is a privacy-focused non-custodial exchange. pDEX allows users to trade crypto anonymously by obscuring their activity from public ledgers. It holds no funds, keeps no records, and requires no registration. It was built to help people trade safely, without exposing their identity or activity.

pDEX is fully open-source, and was launched in Nov 2019 by a team in Vietnam.pDEX is built on the Incognito blockchain and can be accessed from the Incognito app. Open to the world, it charges zero trading fees.

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+2% Profondità

-2% Profondità


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