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Informazioni su Hanbitco

Launched in 2018, Hanbitco describes itself as a regulation ready Korean exchange based in Seoul. It has reportedly received ISO/IEC 27001 certification in 2018, ISMS Certification from the Korean Government Institutions in 2019 and is ranked 1st in Korea and 20th globally by CER.live for cybersecurity.

The exchange is a founding member exchange of the Korea Blockchain Association (KBA), having served as vice chairman in 2018. In 2018 and 2019, Hanbitco's successive CEOs were elected chairman of the KBA Exchange Committee, which provides inputs on self-regulatory requirements for exchanges in Korea.

In 2018, it founded the ChainAction social movement. The movement aims to accelerate and unite blockchain projects to address 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and drive mass crypto adoption.

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