SpectroCoin Pro

SpectroCoin Pro


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À propos de SpectroCoin Pro

Re-launched in 2020, SpectroCoin Pro is a centralized trading and exchange platform under the SpectroCoin brand. Our exchange platform is built on years of expertise in the crypto and FinTech fields, with a team that strived to meet the needs of today's cryptocurrency users.

Currently, the platform fully supports 35 major cryptocurrencies and tokens as well as provides EUR, USD, GBP trading pairs, deposits and withdrawals. Through SpectroCoin brokerage, users can deposit and withdraw supported fiat currencies and trade major cryptocurrencies. Transfers throughout the SpectroCoin ecosystem are instant and free of charge. Also, the platform maintains a high level of security by keeping up to 98% of virtual assets in offline cold storage.

SpectroCoin Pro also features trading tools and fee schedules that are some of the most competitive in the current crypto market. Here, market makers are not associated with fees and earn 0.05% rebates trading crypto-crypto and 0.1% crypto-fiat while trading. What's even better is that BNK trading pairs are free to trade for all types of traders.

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