Volumen de trading (24 h)
$47,693.080 BTC
Total de activos
No se dispone de datos de reservaAcerca de which was founded in 2018 and launched on 28 June 2019, is a Centralized Exchange platform to buy and sell crypto assets based in Indonesia, with the aim to be The Largest Indonesian Crypto Exchange which support IDR trading pairs and IDR deposit & withdrawal. officially registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (BAPPEBTI) with the Registration Number: 008/BAPPEBTI/CP-AK/05/2020 and registered with Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia (KOMINFO) with PSE Registration Number: 000286.01/DJAI.PSE/03/2021.
As of May 2023, has more than 60 crypto assets listed with IDR trading pair and also available on Google Play and App Store.
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