
Metaverse: A Whole New World

SecondLive is a diversified social metaverse focused on building social networks and supporting creator economic activities. We focus on facilitating self-expression, social connections, and wealth accumulation, integrating open data protocols on-chain to show the result as is needed.

What is SecondLive?

SecondLive is a create-to-earn social Metaverse. In the 3D virtual space, users can craft their own digital lives -- creating their own avatars and choosing spaces to stay and to live in. In different spaces like virtual exhibitions, personal spaces, art galleries, game rooms, and concert rooms, users can complete different tasks with avatars. These avatars help creators and users make their own content and profit from their own creations.

In SecondLive,  there are four main modules in the process of using SecondLive:

1. Avatar Editor:

Users design their own characters with the editor and set it as their avatars in the Metaverse.

2. Multiple Virtual Spaces:

After the virtual avatars are created, they can transport to the lobby, games, concerts, workshops, shopping centers and other spaces.

3. Scenario Editor:

Users can directly generate content without codes according to the modules, interactions, and gameplays. Some gamification configurations can be directly and automatically deployed online. The richness of the gameplay can be configured without code. 

4. SecondLive Marketplace:

Anyone who owns a third-party digital asset can trade assets through the SecondLive market.


What are the features of SecondLive? 

So what are the features of SecondLive?

1. Persistence:

All the virtual spaces of SecondLive can exist permanently.

2. Real-time:

SecondLive will gradually realize synchronization with the real world, bringing in all the forms of the real world.

3. Compatibility:

SecondLive can accommodate people and things of any size, anyone can enter the space.

4. Token System:

SecondLive has a fully operational economic system that can support transactions, payments, and income from creation.

5. Interoperability:

Digital assets, social relations, objects and much more in SecondLive can connect to other virtual worlds.

6. Creativity:

The virtual world content in SecondLive can be created by individual users or groups.

SecondLive Tocknomics

SecondLive economic system consists of two kinds of tokens: governance token $LIVE and incentive token $BEAN. $LIVE is the adhesive that binds all members of SecondLive Community together, and the governance token of the whole platform.

$BEAN is used to stimulate the output of various behaviors of users on the platform, including operating space, playing games, creating content, completing specific tasks, participating in operational activities, etc. 

SecondLive will provide a certain amount of $LIVE every week (currently 100,000 per week) and the number will be modified with the increase of users and DAO governance. $LIVE will be put into the income pool for the incentive of staking $BEAN. Users can stake $BEAN to get $LIVE rewards. The $BEAN in the income pool will be burned.

Till now, SecondLive registers have surpassed 800k and the on-chain DAU ranks Top 3 on BNB Chain. The users are mainly distributed in Vietnam, India, Indonesia, China, USA and Russia. With the assistance of UGC tool and AI generated content, SecondLive will create a Web 3.0 open Metaverse that serves 1 billion people.

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