Player outrage over “ugly” avatar designs
The choice of adding this establishment, which was directed towards providing the players with an opportunity to store and save their game characters along with customization options, such as avatars’ body size, hairstyle, etc., continued to make the players troll the developers to a certain extent for its poor implementation.
Celebrity players of newly welcomed teams will not fail to disclose their thoughts, pleasant or otherwise, through their social media accounts. They have said that such creatures are not just the series alien but possess specific physical features that differ from the narrator. The length of his arms, different from his other body parts, is the perfect example.
Besides that, a few League players experienced cosmetic glitches and incomplete emotes bought with actual money, which is the truth. These sportspersons have realized that the outcome is beyond their power and aptitude. They no longer have their security undermined, not in the ordinary meaning of the term, but experience the loss of part of their strategy, which means miscarriages of plans and objectives that promise them future growth (because, after all, they grow every day).
A call for reversion and rectification
This is the first time recently that the trend has been seen opposite to the gaming one, which both games are far from. After a while, the players start requesting that the creative team revert to the days of the current changes, at least until they adopt the rebalancing on their own. Not surprisingly, this chapter visually reveals the newest débâcle with a superhero movie version that is clearer than before and after redrawing the character.
First, the negative stuff happens daily, and it will take different critics to show which crew member is not performing his task. However, the company owner still gave no statement and declined to interview on this topic. Although the major defect of this game that most people will complain about is the general poor game experience, they will also expect the developers to remedy it and make that game mode disappear. Also, it should be noted that many similar problem statements among players need an answer to their issues.
A lesson in prioritizing user experience
With a glimpse of Niantic’s response to lawsuits in such litigations, we may see how the “Pokémon Go” is resolved when players bring any legal claims. However, one thing is clear: such a game-changing redesign (from costuming) has enormous impacts on those deeply concerned with this issue and whose heart screams are the virtual personifications of their followers by those highly interested in this fast-growing movement.