Enter blockchain
The first component supports the recognition of epidemic animal diseases. Animals on farms get sick often, especially in developing regions, where smallholder farming is popular, and access to veterinarians is insufficient. How can technology help farmers with a small number of animals to differentiate between epidemic and other types of animal diseases as quickly as possible? The main issue is that access to veterinaries on rural areas, as well as the communication channels between farmers and the government bodies are often problematic.
What this means in practice
Farmers can registrate in the app, and provide regular reports by filling a form about the number of animals, their type, their external movements, and deaths. This type of report takes just minutes for the farmers, but enables government bodies, veterinaries, and academia to have an up-to-date overview of the livestock status of the region.
The AI model contains an image recognition module, which recognizes common visible symptoms of animal diseases, and compares them against the structured symptom data, as well as against similar reports in the same area.
Using complex, multimodal analysis, the model estimates the risk level of the specific report, and potentially warns the competent government body (e.g. local veterinary) about the incident.
A future development plan contains a telemedicine option, where - in less urgent cases - veterinaries can investigate the incident with the help of the farmer via a video call.
Stay tuned for Part Two