The First Crypto War
Crypto Basics

The First Crypto War

1 year ago

A long time ago in the early days of the internet, a battle over encryption for privacy and freedom online was fought — in what became known as the First Crypto War.

The First Crypto War



  • The Cypherpunks' contributions to digital rights and privacy debates left a lasting impact on privacy advocacy and digital rights movements.
  • Their focus on decentralization and privacy laid the foundation for blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Monero and ZCash.
  • The First Crypto War influenced today's cybersecurity and cryptocurrency landscapes through innovations such as PGP and early proof-of-work systems like Hashcash.
  • The Clipper Chip controversy provided lessons and context for balancing privacy rights and national security in ongoing debates about encryption and government surveillance.

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In the early days of the internet, a silent battle raged beneath the surface — a struggle that would lay the foundation for today's cryptocurrency industry. Cryptography was at the heart of a fierce fight for control in the fledgling digital space. This conflict became known as the First Crypto War.

The First Crypto War brought together an unlikely cast of characters: brilliant mathematicians, dedicated Cypherpunks and tenacious government agents. They all vied for the power to shape the future of the online world.

But how did this crucial period in digital history unfold, and what significance does the First Crypto War still hold for today’s cryptocurrency landscape?

In this article, we'll delve into the dramatic events and key players that defined an era and contributed to the foundation of today's cryptocurrency landscape.

Key Players in the First Crypto War

Cryptography made significant progress during the early 1990s, getting many people's attention. Some groups, like Cypherpunks and civil liberty supporters, wanted to use encryption for privacy and freedom online. However, the US government worried that encryption might allow criminals and terrorists to operate without being caught. The authorities feared that uncontrolled usage of encryption could enable criminal and terrorist activities.

The key players and factions in this struggle for privacy were:

1. The US Government: The Clinton Administration and intelligence agencies like the National Security Agency (NSA) pushed for greater control over encryption technology and surveillance capabilities to maintain national security and fight criminal activities.
2. Privacy advocates: Civil liberties organizations, such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), saw the government's attempts to limit encryption as an infringement on personal freedoms and privacy. They worked towards promoting the use of encryption to guarantee these rights in the digital sphere.
3. Cryptography researchers, enthusiasts and Cypherpunks: Pioneers like Phil Zimmermann played a central role in promoting the use of encryption and opposing government restrictions. Cypherpunks, a loose group of cryptography advocates, technologists and activists, championed the power of cryptography to protect civil liberties and privacy and promote freedom of speech.

The Emergence of PGP and the Cypherpunks' Crusade for Privacy

Phil Zimmerman, creator of PGP:

"If privacy is outlawed, only outlaws will have privacy."

The Birth of PGP

As the public gained access to the World Wide Web in 1991, it quickly became apparent that secure digital communication would be essential to protect individual privacy. In response to this growing need, programmer Phil Zimmermann developed Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) in 1991. PGP became the first widely-available encryption software designed to secure email communications. PGP employs a combination of symmetric-key cryptography and public-key cryptography and allows users to securely exchange encrypted messages by using a pair of public and private keys.

The Founding of the Cypherpunk Movement

This groundbreaking development captured the attention of a group of visionary individuals known as the Cypherpunks. Founded in 1992 by Eric Hughes, Timothy C. May and John Gilmore, the Cypherpunks quickly became a force to be reckoned with in the ongoing battle for digital privacy. They were inspired by David Chaum's 1985 paper, "Security without Identification: Transaction Systems to Make Big Brother Obsolete", which highlighted the potential for using cryptography to protect individual privacy in the digital age.
The Cypherpunks pursued their goal through collaboration and innovation. They launched the "Cypherpunks Mailing List" in September 1992, which became a hub for exchanging ideas, discussing privacy concerns and developing new cryptographic tools. Among the encryption breakthroughs that emerged from this group was Adam Back’s Hashcash, a proof-of-work system designed to combat spam emails by requiring a certain amount of computational work before a message could be sent. This concept would later contribute significantly to the development of the first cryptocurrency — Bitcoin. Cypherpunks that were involved included Hal Finney, Wei Dai, Nick Szabo, Craig Wright, Zooko Wilcox-O’Hearn and Satoshi Nakamoto himself.

Eric Hughes, founding member of the Cypherpunks:

"Privacy is the power to selectively reveal oneself to the world."
The group's efforts gained momentum as influential figures contributed to the movement. Julian Assange, the future founder of WikiLeaks, joined the community in the mid-1990s and, later in the decade, helped develop Rubberhose, an encryption tool for protecting sensitive data, particularly from forced disclosure by authorities.
During this period, government agencies raised concerns about the proliferation of strong encryption. In response to Zimmermann's PGP, the United States government launched a criminal investigation against him in 1993, citing alleged violations of export control laws. Although the case was eventually dropped in 1996, this marked the beginning of the tensions between encryption advocates and authorities that would come to define the Crypto Wars.

Despite opposition from law enforcement and corporate interests, the Cypherpunks retained their commitment to promoting strong, accessible encryption. Their collective achievements enabled the widespread use of encryption, laying the groundwork for modern privacy tools and ensuring that digital privacy remained a priority as the internet continued to expand.

The Clipper Chip Controversy

Introducing the Clipper Chip

As the Cypherpunks and PGP encryption tools began gaining traction in the early 1990s, the United States government grew worried about the potential implications of widespread cryptography use. The Clipper Chip emerged as a significant antagonist to the digital privacy movement led by the Cypherpunks and PGP advocates.
In 1993, the Clinton administration introduced the Clipper Chip as a hardware encryption device for telecommunication systems. The chip functioned as an encryption device for securing telephone communications, but it required a private key held by government agencies, which would allow them to decrypt and access any communication encrypted by the chip upon obtaining legal authorization.

This arrangement would allow law enforcement and intelligence agencies to obtain the keys for decrypting communications but only if authorized by legal processes, such as court orders.

Public Opposition and Criticism

The Clipper Chip soon faced widespread public opposition and criticism from privacy advocates, civil liberties organizations and technologists. Many argued it would create a dangerous precedent enabling invasive government surveillance and put citizens' privacy rights at risk. Concerns were further heightened when, in 1994, researcher Matt Blaze discovered a vulnerability within the Clipper Chip, undermining the system's security claims.

The government tried to persuade telephone companies, manufacturers and users to adopt the Clipper Chip. Efforts include the establishment of a "Clipper for Business" program that offered incentives to manufacturers producing Clipper Chip-equipped devices and lobbying efforts targeting major communication companies to implement the technology. However, these attempts faced strong resistance and, ultimately, failed to gain traction.

The Role of PGP and Cypherpunks in the Battle Against the Clipper Chip

PGP's widespread adoption and the efforts of Cypherpunks played a significant role in challenging the legitimacy and necessity of the Clipper Chip initiative. By offering a robust and practical encryption solution freely available to the public, PGP stood as an alternative to the government-controlled Clipper Chip solution.

To raise public awareness and rally support against the Clipper Chip initiative, Cypherpunks and privacy advocates organized protests, online discussions and petitions highlighting the potential dangers of the technology. Prominent technology influencers wrote opinion pieces and participated in debates, emphasizing the importance of encryption for protecting civil liberties and preserving the right to privacy.

The efforts of these activists and the broader public backlash contributed to the eventual decline of the Clipper Chip. In 1996, the US government formally withdrew its support for the Clipper Chip, marking the end of one of the most contentious chapters in the history of the First Crypto War. The war might have ended, but the battle for privacy and encryption continues, shaping the modern landscape of digital currencies and privacy-focused technologies.

The Lasting Impact of the First Crypto War

The Birth of Modern Privacy Technologies

The Cypherpunks' unified presence lessened over time but their contributions to digital rights and privacy debates remain impactful. The core principles they stood for lived on in privacy advocacy and digital rights movements. Additionally, their advocacy for decentralization and privacy served as a foundation for blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, sparking a revolution in the digital finance landscape.

Steven Levy, author of 'Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government,' expressed:

“The Cypherpunks are a fading force, but they've left behind a legacy of disruptive technologies and an uncompromising commitment to privacy."

The Lasting Legacy

Lessons from the Clipper Chip drama and discussions about the balance between protecting personal privacy and national security help shape the broader public debate about balancing privacy rights and national security. For instance, the ongoing debates on end-to-end encryption, backdoors and government surveillance serve as a testament to the lasting impact of the First Crypto War. Encryption has become an essential aspect of securing digital communications and online transactions.

The Cypherpunk Movement has inspired new activists and people who care about privacy and online freedom. This shows that the struggle for privacy and freedom online, which started during the First Crypto War, is still important today.


The First Crypto War was a defining period that shaped our understanding of digital privacy, the role of encryption and the delicate balance between individual rights and government surveillance.

The conclusion of the First Crypto War, however, was not the end of the battles. Years later, a Second Crypto War emerged.
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