Ethereum’s Shapella hard fork to unlock $31.6 billion in staked Ether
Crypto News

Ethereum’s Shapella hard fork to unlock $31.6 billion in staked Ether

Created 1yr ago, last updated 1yr ago

Shapella hard fork unlocks billions in staked Ether, and is set to activate on the mainnet at epoch 194,048, scheduled for 10:27 pm UTC on April 12

Ethereum’s Shapella hard fork to unlock $31.6 billion in staked Ether

Ethereum’s highly anticipated Shapella hard fork is set to activate on the mainnet at epoch 194,048, scheduled for 10:27 pm UTC on April 12.

This significant update will enable Ethereum validators to withdraw their staked Ether from the Beacon Chain, marking a major milestone for the Ethereum network.

The Ethereum Foundation confirmed the epoch, slot, and time after a week of deliberation led by core developer Tim Beiko.

Read the article about Shapella upgrade.
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