Objem obchodovania (24h)
€609,375,610.846,546 BTC
Celkové aktíva
€58,658,202.43Informácie o Tapbit
Tapbit provides secure and stable trading services for mainstream crypto assets such as BTC, ETH, SOL and USDC for global investors. The platform has been awarded the MSB fiat currency business license, NFA general financial license from the US federal government, and crypto and forex business license by SVGFSA. Further to this, we guard all your assets on Tapbit with a $40 Million insurance fund.
Tapbit provides users with industry-leading technology, including a core aggregation engine that is the most advanced technology product of its kind currently in the market. With fault tolerance and extreme processing speed, enabling it to solve all concurrent issues arising from instantaneous huge volumes of transactions, as well as settlements. With the banking-grade SSL encryption, multiple signatures, as well, hot & cold wallets separation technologies can strictly protect the security of all user assets.
Tapbit is one of the safest and most reliable cryptocurrency service platforms currently within the market that global investors can use and benefit from, without the need to worry about potential risks associated with the space, made possible with the use of cutting edge technologies and pioneering algorithms.
Token | Zostatok | Cena | Hodnota |
BTC | 544.07 | 93 094,7 € | 50 650 035,49 € |
USDT | 5,400,098.08 | 0,9533 € | 5 148 077,3 € |
USDT | 2,999,998.94 | 0,9533 € | 2 859 989,99 € |
Zobrazujú sa iba peňaženky so zostatkom nad 500 000 USD
* Zostatky z týchto peňaženiek môžu byť oneskorené
Rozdelenie tokenov
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