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Informácie o SMART VALOR

SMART VALOR is the first full-service digital asset exchange listed on Nasdaq and provides compliant and secure access to trading and custody of digital assets.

The company, which originated from the Thomson Reuters Incubator, is the first exchange from Switzerland to receive financial intermediary status and exchange authorization in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

On the investor side, the company is backed by leading venture capital funds in Asia and the US. SMART VALOR is the only blockchain technology company in VI Partners' portfolio, funded by Credit Suisse, Zürcher Kantonalbank and other leading Swiss companies.

They also offer trading, brokerage, wealth management, custody and staking to clients from over 130 countries. Digital assets on the platform include over 200 trading pairs of cryptocurrencies, staking, blockchain protocols, DeFi and metaverse assets.

On the B2B side, SMART VALOR provides an API-based Crypto-as-a- Service to banks and fintechs. The scalable infrastructure enables them to offer trading and custody of digital assets to their customers.

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