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Informacje o Azurswap

Decentralized Exchange (DEX) The decentralized exchange designed on this platform is based on the successful open-source code of UniSwap version 2, and the reason for this choice is the advantages and wider adoption of version 2 compared to version 3. Additionally, bugs and errors that have recently been observed by experts in the crypto security domain in version 3 are another factor. Some of the special advantages of Azur exchange over other exchanges include:

Being multi-network and using the highest number of EVM networks Receiving lower fees compared to other available swaps (one-third less than other swaps like UniSwap, SushiSwap, and PancakeSwap) The possibility of earning rewards for each transaction for use in Metaverse The possibility of using special services offered in the Telegram bot In every buy or sell transaction, 0.2% of the transaction amount is received from the user for the fee, of which 75% (0.15% of the total fee) will be paid to the liquidity provider, and the remaining 25% will be paid to the FeeTo address, which belongs to the Azur development and advertising team.

Więcej informacji
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