OpenSwap (Harmony)
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OpenSwap (Harmony) 정보
Openswap is a state of the art deflationary token burning Decentralised Exchange running on Harmony;s incredibly fast and cost efficient blockchain. It was launched Monday May 10 on Harmony Network. Exchange Fees are set at 0.3% and half of the fees collected from trades are burnt to offset issuance.
During the first month a total of 13 million tokens will be minted to Liquidity providers and the following months 1 millions token will be continually minted with no hard cap.
The expected circulating supply without counting tokens burnt will be close to 100 million after 6 years.
# | 통화 | 페어 | 가격 | +2% Depth | -2% Depth | 거래량 | 거래량 % | 업데이트 |
사용 가능한 데이터 없음 |
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