Dex 거래량(24시간)
₩32,203,632.740 BTC
OolongSwap 정보
As Boba’s first native AMM, it is Oolong’s mission to create the best exchange, users experience and deepest liquidity in here for Boba users. As our our motto is “more to earn, less to spend”. We have introduced features such as dynamic pair fees to offer users lower trading slippage and and PCV to offer a sustainable future for Oolong.
But that’s not it. our vision is to become the gateway between Boba and the rest of DeFi world. We want to help expand the Boba ecosystem by building a DEX that is suitable for all, even those that are newest to DeFi. We want to create a healthy environment for all- help growing other Boba projects while educating users on new DeFi knowledge
# | 통화 | 페어 | Price USD | 1h 변경 | 24h 변경 | 24h Txns | 24h 거래량 | 유동성 | FDV |
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