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총 자산

준비금 데이터 없음

MiaSwap 정보

Launched on 11/11/2022, MiaSwap is the first AMM decentralized exchange (DEX) allowing token swaps on ONUS Chain with strong liquidity and a wide range of permissionless products and solutions.

LP token holders can also engage in yield farming to earn MIA, the exchange's utility token. The token can be staked in our farming pools. But not just that, MiaSwap also has a variety of Staking pools with the best APY you can find. MiaSwap's main features: - Swapping Tokens: Simply connect your wallet and start trading anytime, anyplace with no lengthy processes or waiting periods. - Adding Liquidity: MiaSwap allows anyone to provide liquidity by contributing their assets to a liquidity pool in exchange for attractive rewards. - Farming: Yield Farms allow users to generate passive income over an extended period. Yield farming is a way to put your LP tokens to work. - Mining Pools: MiaSwap's mining pools are designed to maximize stakeholder earnings with minimal fees to the protocol.

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