₩2,782,618,155,715.3417,811 BTC
총 자산
준비금 데이터 없음 소개 describes itself as a regulated tokenized securities exchange. It aims to offer a one-stop place to trade cryptocurrencies and 2000+ tokenized assets, including stocks (Apple and Amazon), indices (S&P 500 and Dax 30), commodities (Crude oil and Gold), and a range of FX pairs with crypto or fiat.
Currency Com Limited is registered in Gibraltar and authorized by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission as a DLT Provider, registered with FINTRAC (Canada) and FinCEN (USA) as a Money Services Business. Currency Com Global LLC is also a limited liability company registered in St. Vincent & the Grenadines.
# | 통화 | 페어 | 가격 | +2% 깊이 | -2% 깊이 | 거래량 | 거래량 % | 업데이트 |
사용 가능한 데이터 없음 |
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