₩21,726,777.500 BTC
총 자산
준비금 데이터 없음BIT.TEAM 소개
BIT.TEAM was launched in 2018, and the company’s headquarters is located in London.
BIT.TEAM products include the SPOT exchange, P2P service and NFT marketplace. The first one ensures purchasing and selling cryptocurrencies via bank transfers and another 100 payment methods. BIT.TEAM P2P started to operate in 2018 and it currently has over 300 thousand active users. was launched in 2020 on the basis of Decimalchain NFT. BIT.TEAM exchange was launched in 2022, and now it comprises the feature of SPOT trading with “limit”, “market” and “stop-loss” orders with the fee of 0.2%. Users can get up to 50% discount on fees with BTT token.
고지사항: 이 페이지에는 제휴 링크가 포함될 수 있습니다. 귀하가 제휴사 링크를 방문하고 이러한 제휴 플랫폼에서 회원 가입 및 거래와 같은 특정 행동을 취하는 경우 CoinMarketCap은 이에 대해 보상받을 수 있습니다. 더 자세한 내용은 제휴 관련 고지에서 확인해 주세요.