OpenChat hinta 


5.45% (1 pv)

OpenChat - EUR -kaavio

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OpenChat tilastot


Volyymi (24h)


Volyymi/markkina-arvo (24h)
Itse ilmoitettu kiertävä tarjonta
50,000,000 CHAT
100,000,000 CHAT
Täysin laimennettu (FD) markkina-arvo
CHAT - EUR muunnin
Kaikkien aikojen korkein
Feb 11, 2024 (2 months ago)
Kaikkien aikojen alhaisin
Apr 17, 2024 (8 days ago)
Katso historiatiedot
6643rd / 9.8K
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Odota, lataamme kaaviotietoja

OpenChat community


OpenChat kohteet

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OpenChat uutiset


Tietoa OpenChat

What is OpenChat?

OpenChat is a fully featured, decentralized chat application, running on the Internet Computer blockchain. It has direct messages and private groups like WhatsApp and Signal, public groups like Telegram, and “communities” which are like Slack workspaces or Discord servers.

It is a responsive, progressive web application (PWA) which scales to take advantage of any screen size and integrates with devices in a similar way to native apps, including push notifications. You can find the full development roadmap here.

The app is open source and runs as a collection of canister smart-contracts. It is possible to see the code running on any canister at any time with a link back to the particular version in source control and to independently verify this is true.

A canister is created for each user which holds their direct chat data, links to the groups/communities they are members of, and also serves as a wallet allowing OpenChat users to hold and manage tokens. Each group and “community” is also implemented as its own canister. This architecture will allow OpenChat to scale to 100s of millions of users.

OpenChat users can send messages to each other containing tokens such as ICP, ckBTC, ckETH and soon ckUSDT and so can be used for global remittance.

The main point of difference between OpenChat and similar apps, is that it's governed as a DAO.

What is the CHAT token?

 What is the OpenChat SNS DAO?

Who are the founders of OpenChat?

Where can I buy the CHAT token?