Bored Candy City hinta 


1.41% (1 pv)

Bored Candy City - EUR -kaavio

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Bored Candy City tilastot


Volyymi (24h)


Volyymi/markkina-arvo (24h)
Itse ilmoitettu kiertävä tarjonta
30,914,712 CANDY
Täysin laimennettu (FD) markkina-arvo
CANDY - EUR muunnin
Kaikkien aikojen korkein
Dec 29, 2022 (a year ago)
Kaikkien aikojen alhaisin
Mar 27, 2024 (a month ago)
Katso historiatiedot
7334th / 9.8K
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Bored Candy City uutiset


Tietoa Bored Candy City

Bored Candy is the FIRST AMM & DEX on Cronos Chain that gives back 100% of fees collected to the community.

In fact, most DEX / AMM in Cronos & other chains take 0.30% swapping fee. Then give back half (0.15%) to liquidity providers and keep the other half.

There are exceptions of course, like MMFinance who charges 0.17% (the cheapest in Cronos for now), then gives back 0.10% to liquidity providers, uses 0.05% to buy back MMF and keeps 0.02%.

We’re going to take a page from MMFinance tactics book and go beyond.

When you swap a token in our exchange, you will pay a 0.15% trading fee. The lowest fee EVER registered in any chain.

On top of that, we will also hold Protocol Owned Liquidity. It means that a portion of the fees is used to buyback $CANDY and form CANDY/CRO LP :

0.10% — Returned to liquidity pools as a reward for liquidity providers.

0.05% — Buyback of $CANDY to form Protocol Owned Liquidity

MMFinance was the first project in Cronos to introduce Protocol Owned Liquidity and lower the fees. However, Bored Candy will lower the fees even more and give all of it back to the community.

As fellow traders, we think it’s normal for us to sacrifice our revenue to help the community weather the current markets. By allocating all our fees to rewards and buybacks.

On top of that, buying back $CANDY from the market and forming LPs will create deflationary pressure on $CANDY, pushing the price & the trading volume up.

Plus, by forming LPs, we make sure that $CANDY never runs out of liquidity, even if this bear market goes on forever, there will always be liquidity for you to sell $CANDY.