
The TRX Token

TRONIX is a MainNet token based on the TRON Protocol issued by TRON, known as TRX. TRX is the basic unit of accounts on the TRON blockchain. The value of all other tokens derives from that of TRON. TRX is also a natural medium currency for all TRC-based tokens. TRX connects the entire TRON ecosystem, with abundant application scenarios that power transactions and applications on the chain.

You must have heard of TRX, the MainNet token based on the TRON Protocol issued by TRON.

TRX is the basic unit of accounts on the TRON blockchain. The value of all other tokens derives from that of TRON. TRX is also a natural medium currency for all TRC-based tokens. TRX connects the entire TRON ecosystem, with abundant application scenarios that power transactions and applications on the chain.

Let’s take a look at some of the TRX Application Scenarios: 

  1. Credit card Spend supports TRX payment
  2. TRON ATM machine supports TRX online transfer
  3. Use TRX to purchase merchandise in WeChat stores
  4. TRX can be used to purchase tokens to be issued on TRON
  5. Obtain corresponding amount of energy and bandwidth by freezing TRX
  6. Obtain TRON Power, voting rights for super representatives by freezing TRX
  7. The world's largest adult website pornhub.com supports TRX payments
  8. You can book hotel with TRX at Travala.com

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