handelsvolume (24t.)
kr 9,952,329,924.0013,277 BTC
Aktiver i alt
kr 742,555,172.10Om Bitunix
What is Bitunix?
Bitunix is a global crypto derivatives trading platform founded in 2021, dedicated to offering intelligent, social, highly secure, and cost-effective trading services to its users. Bitunix specializes in both crypto spot and perpetual futures trading, boasting more than 210 USDT-margined contract trading pairs with up to 125x leverage.
Bitunix, registered in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG), has attracted over 600,000 users from 100+ countries and has facilitated a cumulative daily trading volume that exceeds $250 million on the platform. The platform offers high liquidity, user-friendly interface, no-KYC, and fast trade executions, meaning users are able to buy or sell off their cryptocurrencies at any time.
Since its inception, Bitunix has acquired U.S. MSB License, Canada MSB license, Philippines VASP License and now is in progress for other country licenses.
When did Bitunix Launch?
Bitunix was founded in 2021 and launched globally in October 2022.
Where is Bitunix Located?
Bitunix is a global exchange, registered in Singapore, serving a user base of over 600,000 worldwide.
What cryptocurrencies does Bitunix support?
The platform provides support for more than 190+ trading pairs. Notable cryptocurrencies on the platform include BTC, ETH, XRP, DOT, AAVE, ADA, LTC, BNB, USDT, LINK, DOGE, and SHIB.
What is Bitunix Fee structure?
The fee structure is based on market taker and maker model. Spot Trading fees on the platform start at 0.10% for market takers and decrease as trading volume increases. The futures trading fee is 0.06% for Market Takers and 0.02% for Market Makers.
Can leverage or margin trading be employed on Bitunix?
Bitunix allows users to trade with leverage of up to 125x. The platform facilitates leverage trading for perpetual contracts such as ETHUSD, BTCUSD, LTCUSD, LINKUSD, XRPUSD, and SOLUSD.
Token | Balance | Pris | Værdi |
USDT | 16,999,500.45 | 7,15 kr. | 121.711.666,89 kr. |
USDT | 14,117,019.14 | 7,15 kr. | 101.073.907,2 kr. |
BTC | 119.92 | 749.094,18 kr. | 89.831.374,64 kr. |
USDT | 10,392,238.47 | 7,15 kr. | 74.405.519,77 kr. |
USDT | 8,953,673.15 | 7,15 kr. | 64.105.794,58 kr. |
USDT | 7,944,341.57 | 7,15 kr. | 56.879.262,87 kr. |
XRP | 2,200,039.8* | 23,14 kr. | 50.922.029,21 kr. |
USDT | 6,010,574.34 | 7,15 kr. | 43.034.030,56 kr. |
BTC | 48 | 749.094,18 kr. | 35.956.520,87 kr. |
USDT | 4,162,141.13 | 7,15 kr. | 29.799.765,95 kr. |
Kun wallets med en saldo på >500.000 USD vises
* Saldi fra disse wallets kan være forsinket
Allokering af tokens
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