zkSwap Finance

zkSwap Finance

Dex Objem obchodování (24 hodin)


20 BTC

O zkSwap Finance

zkSwap.finance is the first decentralized Swap-to-Earn DeFi DEX that pioneers a unique incentive model rewarding both liquidity providers and traders. Inspired by Luno, a globally renowned cryptocurrency exchange and wallet provider, zkSwap.finance aims to upgrade the financial system by offering a distinctive and imaginative experience. With a focus on user-centric features, we value and acknowledge any contributions towards the project. Our platform ensures a sustainable growth trajectory for the entire ecosystem.

Additionally, at zkSwap.finance, we offer juicy retroactive rewards for early supporters. We believe in the power of rewarding those who have been with us from the beginning. By participating in our platform, you not only benefit from the innovative Swap-to-Earn model but also have the opportunity to earn attractive retroactive rewards. Join us on this exciting journey and be a part of the zkSwap.finance community, where your involvement matters.

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