Objem obchodování (24 hodin)
Kč7,775,379,232.355,382 BTC
Celková aktiva
Kč836,392,718.09O OrangeX
Registered in Seychelles and England, OrangeX is a trading company with the combined strengths of skilled staff and the experience of core financial technical expertise. By offering spot, derivatives, and copy trading services in 20 languages worldwide, OrangeX is dedicated to empowering investors to make a better future through cryptocurrency investment. OrangeX aims to be the go-to crypto trading platform for all crypto traders. Act sincerely as a trusted company, we provide new experiences for our customers with creative products and service excellence.
OrangeX creates a crypto trading world full of unlimited opportunities. Make positive contributions to the sustainable development of our industry.
Currently, OrangeX holds regulatory licences, including an MSB registered with the U.S. Department of Treasury US. Meanwhile, other license applications in Canada, Lithuania, and Estonia are under process. OrangeX guarantees to hold 100% of users' assets in reserves and will publish its report on a regular basis.
For spot trading, buying and selling crypto quickly in low spreads. Users have early access to crypto gems with our promising token listing service.
Over 130 USDT-margined contracts are supported with high liquidity and low fees.
Outstanding Security Level.
OrangeX has passed security tests of multiple internationally renowned security companies with high-security ratings. Identity verification and financial compliance systems are built on dependable security and protection.
Protected Assets and Insurance Funds
We use a multi-signature security system both for cold and hot wallets, and store the vast majority of the digital assets in secure offline storage. In addition, OrangeX offers 1,000 BTC as insurance funds to provide users with the safest trading experience.
Global Recognization and High Liquidity
Extensive order book and deep liquidity across markets make it easy to start trading.
Easy-to-use Interface
OrangeX provides an interface through which our customers can trade with comfort and convenience. Users can trade spots and futures. All in one powerful interface.
Dedicated Customer Support
We provide global services in 20 languages. Users can reach us 24/7/365 via live chats, email or multi-language communities.
Token | Zůstatek | Cena | Hodnota |
BTC | 129.7 | Kč1,444,737.05 | Kč187,382,395.74 |
BTC | 100 | Kč1,444,737.05 | Kč144,473,705.27 |
BTC | 100 | Kč1,444,737.05 | Kč144,473,705.27 |
BTC | 80 | Kč1,444,737.05 | Kč115,578,964.22 |
ETH | 1,022.03 | Kč56,097.10 | Kč57,332,919.55 |
BTC | 39.58 | Kč1,444,737.05 | Kč57,182,692.55 |
BTC | 38.95 | Kč1,444,737.05 | Kč56,272,508.20 |
ETH | 985.14 | Kč56,097.10 | Kč55,263,497.51 |
USDC | 797,266.11 | Kč23.12 | Kč18,430,954.44 |
Zobrazují se pouze peněženky se zůstatkem > 500 000 USD
* Zůstatky z těchto peněženek mohou být zpožděny
Přidělení tokenů
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