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Celková aktiva
Data o rezervách jsou nedostupnáO MintMe is more than just an exchange, it is a complete environment: a platform for Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) token creation, trading, and crypto exchange; a digital marketplace where traders, creators, and any users can hold, buy and sell cryptocurrencies using digital assets supported by our own Blockchain solution called Coin With MintMe anyone can create a token, and tokenize their projects to obtain funds, going further than just any crowdfunding by allowing the created tokens to be traded as well which also provides token purchasers/holders with the opportunity to earn money.
A whole new approach to the world of crowdfunding: Both sides can earn, thanks to token creation and trading.
# | Měna | Pár | Cena | +2% Hloubka | -2% Hloubka | Objem | Volume % | Aktualizováno |
No data is available now |
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