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Ladex is decentralized exchange on Lachain. In addition to typical farming and swaps, Ladex contains unified liquidity pools of omnichain tokens used for cross chain transactions. Ladex pools have shared access of a single liquidity pool between multiple chains. Omnichain Tokens traded on Ladex are the user-desired assets (native or most liquid synthetic) on the destination chain.

Lachain Bridge protocol uses LaDEX to buy gas tokens to pay for transactions, and exchange crypto via LA as an intermediary token. Unlike other bridges, Lachain leverage unified liquidity pool of LaDEX and thus the same liquidity can be reused to multiple chains and tokens.

LA token is a gas and staking base currency for Ladex.

Where Can You Buy LA Tokens? LA tokens are highly liquid and can be purchased or traded on Latoken CEX . Some of the most popular trading pairs include LA/USDT, LA/BTC and LA/ETH. LA is available for swap on Ladex DEX and Lachain. It is easy to swap any token across any chain for LA via these unique Lachain dApps LA can also be traded against several fiat currencies, including U.S. dollars (USD), euros (EUR).

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