Objem obchodování (24 hodin)
Kč8,700,870,266.663,653 BTC
Celková aktiva
Kč11,543,546,302.53O BingX
What is BingX?
Founded in 2018, BingX is a leading crypto exchange, serving over 10 million users worldwide. BingX offers diversified products and services, including spot, derivatives, copy trading, and asset management – all designed for the evolving needs of users, from beginners to professionals.
BingX is committed to providing a trustworthy platform that empowers users with innovative tools and features to elevate their trading proficiency. In 2024, BingX proudly became Chelsea FC's principal partner, marking an exciting debut in the world of sports.
Who founded BingX?
Lee is the founder and general manager of BingX. He has been deeply involved in traditional finance and the Internet industry for many years. He has rich entrepreneurial experience and entered the crypto industry in 2013, inspired by the spirit and culture of fairness, democracy, cross-country and regional cooperation, inclusiveness and self-motivation. Since its inception, BingX has been committed to creating a social trading platform that allows more people to easily enter the crypto trading world.
Where is BingX located?
BingX is a global digital Financial Services company with offices in Asia, Oceania, Europe and South America.
BingX Restricted countries
BingX's services are not available to residents of the following countries or regions: Canada, Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, Netherlands, Singapore, United States (including all US territories), United Kingdom, any country that is designated as a restricted country under BingX' AML/CTF policy.
What currencies do BingX support?
The centralized exchange supports over 700 cryptocurrencies and over 700 trading pairs. The most popular crypto assets on the platform include BTC , ETH , XRP , SOL, LTC , DOGE , etc.
What is BingX's handling fee?
The exchange spot trading pending orders charge 0.1% handling fee, futures trading pending maker orders and taker orders up to 0.02% and 0.05% respectively. There are no fees for deposits.
Can leverage or margin trading be used on BingX?
Users can use up to 125 times leverage to trade crypto futures, including BTC/USDT, ETH/USDT, FIL/USDT, and various perpetual futures. In addition, the exchange also provides full position margin and position-by-position margin.
Token | Zůstatek | Cena | Hodnota |
BTC | 1,000.64 | 2 379 680,37 Kč | 2 381 203 372,31 Kč |
USDT | 77,779,197.43 | 24,31 Kč | 1 891 328 758,01 Kč |
USDT | 68,753,596.02 | 24,31 Kč | 1 671 856 456,04 Kč |
USDT | 49,135,172.83 | 24,31 Kč | 1 194 802 318,27 Kč |
XRP | 17,444,210.94* | 59,97 Kč | 1 046 153 784,5 Kč |
USDT | 40,010,034.2 | 24,31 Kč | 972 909 605,54 Kč |
ETH | 11,660.97 | 65 503,01 Kč | 763 828 747,85 Kč |
USDT | 30,000,000 | 24,31 Kč | 729 499 205,63 Kč |
USDT | 20,000,000 | 24,31 Kč | 486 332 803,75 Kč |
ETH | 4,000.1 | 65 503,01 Kč | 262 018 629,17 Kč |
Zobrazují se pouze peněženky se zůstatkem > 500 000 USD
* Zůstatky z těchto peněženek mohou být zpožděny
Přidělení tokenů
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