1inch Exchange

1inch Exchange


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O 1inch Exchange

Launched in May 2019, 1inch is a DeFi aggregator and a decentralized exchange with smart routing. The core protocol connects a large number of decentralized and centralized platforms in order to minimize price slippage and find the optimal trade for the users. The 1inch Aggregation Protocol incorporates the Pathfinder algorithm for finding the best paths across over 60+ liquidity sources on Ethereum, 30+ liquidity sources on Binance Smart Chain, 30+ liquidity sources on Polygon, Optimistic Ethereum, and Arbitrum. The 1inch Network provides a variety of features in addition to swaps. Users can trade via limit orders, deposit funds into lending protocols, move coins between different liquidity pools, and this list expands constantly.
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+2% Hloubka

-2% Hloubka


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