Peter McCormack

Peter McCormack

Host of the podcasts "What Bitcoin Did" and "Defiance"

Ai là Peter McCormack?

Former advertising guru Peter McCormack is the host of the podcasts "What Bitcoin Did" and "Defiance." "What Bitcoin Did" has grown to become one of the most listened-to podcasts in the space, featuring interviews with industry pioneers such as Charlie Shrem, Caitlin Long, Nick Szabo and more. In April 2019, McCormack famously accused Craig Wright of fraud for claiming to be Bitcoin inventor Satoshi Nakamoto. Wright responded by filing a libel claim against McCormack in the U.K. Many in the Bitcoin community have voiced their support for McCormack in the ongoing case.


"I don’t believe that there isn’t a government somewhere accumulating Bitcoin."

Picture source: Sophia Evans/The Guardian