AMA: Ask me anything

AMA: Ask me anything

1 year ago

AMA: Ask me anything
📈 Hello, community!

Already felt the thaw? Cryptowinter is going away - charts are turning green, new projects appear, which means new opportunities for cooperation.

⚡️ In addition to the fact that we are waiting for an interview from Bianance representatives, which you can read about in detail in this article: Decimal is also negotiating with DexCoyote: project, whose representatives held an AMA session at Binance and mentioned about possible integration with Decimal.

🔸 Watch the AMA session on Binance here: for those who don't want to watch the whole - time code 33:36, better a little earlier, from 33 minutes. And the most important thing is that thanks to this mention, Decimal now has the possibility of AMA session on Binance Live: which we will announce after everything will be coordinated and prepared.

More about the DexCoyote project, how Decimal will be implemented and what opportunities will appear for coin creators on the Decimal blockchain - we will tell in a separate article, after all conditions of cooperation will be coordinated.
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