CARV Discovery | Hot Games on WAX: Alien Worlds, The Forge Arena, R-Planet, Splinterlands, Blockchain Brawlers

CARV Discovery | Hot Games on WAX: Alien Worlds, The Forge Arena, R-Planet, Splinterlands, Blockchain Brawlers

1 year ago

CARV Discovery | Hot Games on WAX: Alien Worlds, The Forge Arena, R-Planet, Splinterlands, Blockchain Brawlers

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We CARVers, a group of game enthusiasts and connoisseurs, love exploring and sharing incredible games. But with so many games out there, it’s practically impossible for one to try them all. In comes CARV’s Game Discovery.

This article is based on our own interests and passions. As we scoured the web3 world, we stumbled upon some games and have put together this article to introduce you to them. We hope you’ll love them just as much as we do!

Special thanks to our guardians, @Burnnyofwater @dairycowcn @davidbigcccc @eastweb3eth for creating this CARV Discovery.

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About WAX

WAX is a purpose-built blockchain and protocol token designed to make e-commerce transactions faster, easier, and safer. The WAX Blockchain uses Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) as its consensus mechanism and is backwards compatible with EOS.

The WAX blockchain has no gas fees and features faster transactions. It has a far higher transaction ceiling and is carbon-neutral. This is a huge reason why some of the top games prefer to launch on this blockchain. The projects that have been erected on top of this blockchain have stunning capabilities.

In 2022, numerous impressive games were released on the WAX blockchain. We have compiled a list of five noteworthy games for you to consider.

Alien Worlds

Alien Worlds is a Metaverse powered by NFTs, which are available on both BSC and WAX chains. In the game, players can stake their cards to mine, fight, go on missions, and trade. There are various types of NFTs, Lands, Tools, Minions, Weapons, Avatars, and Missions. Lands are NFTs that are associated with planets. They have modifiers that affect mining intervals, tokens generated per mine, and the probability of NFT dropping. Different Tool NFTs have different efficiency in mining. For example, a Glavor Disc is good for mining NFTs, while a Lucky Drill is better at mining tokens.

Minions are NFTs that players can put into battles. They have five attributes, attack, defence, movecost, race, and element. Attack and defence determine how much damage the minion can deal with and how much they can take. Movecost affects how long can they make another move. Race shows which alien the minion is most identified with and element determines what element they can harness. You can also hire mercenaries to help with your missions.

Avatar NFTs represent players themselves in the game. Players can select their avatars from different factions and races, such as Robotrons, Human, and Nordic. Players can obtain Mission NFTs by attending missions. Mission NFTs have three variables, crafting key, boost power, and base power. Players can use the Mission NFT to participate in a mission.

From abundant to mythical, there are six different levels of Rarity for NFTs. The rarer the NFT, the more power it has and correspondingly, better yield. Alongside the rarity system, there is another shining system: Stone, Gold, Stardust, Antimatter, and XDimension. The more shine an NFT has, the better the NFT is. To shine their NFTs, players need to collect four of the same (including rarity) NFTs and some Trilium.

Trillium (TLM) sits at the centre of Alien Worlds. It has the following usages:

  • Governance: Holders can stake TLM to participate in the governance of planets
  • Mining: TLM can be staked on a selected planet to obtain TLM rewards and NFTs from mining
  • Currency: TLM is the currency in the game. Players need to use TLM to purchase and upgrade items, participate in quests and battles, and other activities.
  • NFT: Players need to use TLM to mint NFTs.

Alien Worlds categorizes itself as an NFT-Defi-Metaverse that simulates economic competition and collaboration between players. The game has abundant, yet intricate mechanisms, which live up to its ambition.

The Forge Arena

The Forge Arena is the first competitive tactical FPS video game to use non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, on the blockchain. The Forge, which aims to be the first Esport in the Metaverse, provides a distinctive and personalized 5v5 experience where every participant begins on an equal footing. Gamers may make, acquire, use, sell, and trade in-game NFT cosmetics for their avatars, attachments, and weapons using NFT Generators.

Hybrid Competitive (5 vs. 5) and Team Deathmatch (8 vs. 8) are the two game types available right now in The Forge Arena, both of which strive to provide players with an exciting, well-rested, and intense combat experience. Both game modes include distinct difficulties and chances for participants to demonstrate their abilities and tactics in a friendly or competitive environment:

  • Hybrid Competitive: In this fast-paced 5 vs. 5 battle, the capture-the-point and search-and-destroy game styles alternate between rounds. This mode is our own interpretation of the First Person Shooter (FPS) subgenre, providing players with a fresh twist on the genre.
  • Team Deathmatch: This game mode features an 8 vs 8 huge battle experience and is more laid back. While a team is still necessary to succeed, there is no purchase cap because each player starts with 30,000 resources. Once a team has scored 100 kills, the game is over and the server is restarted.

Moreover, The Forge Arena offers a special weapon skin system, in-game NFT, with the following key features:

  • Rarity: The Forge Arena’s digital assets are all Skins 2.0, often known as non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Weapon Case Collections are available for purchase through the in-game store or as in-game achievements. A variety of digital items are organized by rarity in each Weapon Case (Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary).
  • Float Values: Each item is given a distinct float value between 0 and 1 with 18 digits when a case is opened. The cleaner the digital asset appears in-game and in the inventory preview, the nearer it is to 0. The value will appear dirtier the closer it is to 1. To the eyes of skin collectors and dealers in the Arena, the float values raise or decrease its value.
  • Weapon Wears: Each weapon skin in the game also has a “Wear” attribute that corresponds to the float value given to the skin (such as War Battered, Weathered, Service Worn, Mint, or Genuine). The “Wear” level of the skin will be higher the lower the float value is.

In conclusion, The Forge Arena is a brand-new stand-alone game that throws you against four AI opponents in a row or PvP in a match of wits that requires you to create, combine, and level up a crew in a struggle for the arena’s supremacy. In this game, winning depends more on smart strategy than on quick reflexes.


R-Planet is an exciting real-time military strategy game that puts players in the midst of a deadly invasion from the Ahnangs. The game features advanced animals divided into three factions, and players must choose a battle strategy to build a base, develop an army, unite with allies, fight, and win to save the planet. The ultimate goal of the game is to be the first to construct the Superweapon, which guarantees victory and secures the safety of R-Planet.

At the start of the game, players establish their Base, which is a designated location on the map where they can construct infrastructure, military installations, and mining industries. The more players expand their Base, the more droids they require, and the more Wecanite they consume since droids need Wecanite to function.

As the player’s Base develops, their artificial intelligence (AI) gradually learns and improves, allowing them to create new Bases or capture someone else’s. This creates opportunities for players to expand their territory and gain a strategic advantage.

Players can choose to join one of three factions in R-Planet:

  1. MASTERMINDS: This faction is comprised of brilliant individuals who use their expertise to develop cutting-edge combat robots in underground labs. They believe that owning a powerful army and implementing strategic tactics is the only way to achieve peace on R-Planet.
  2. WARRIORS: This faction is made up of brave individuals who thrive in open battle and view death in combat as the epitome of honour. Victory is their sole objective, and they consider nothing more glorious than achieving it.
  3. RENEGADES: This faction consists of individuals who seek to gain an advantage in any situation. They are not afraid to engage with their enemies or betray former partners to achieve their objectives. To them, the ends justify the means, and they will do whatever it takes to reach their goals.

Although owning a hero NFT is not mandatory, it offers various additional gameplay options. The hero acts as a combat mentor and is always present at one of the bases. Players can equip their hero’s avatar with different items to enhance their specific traits or the base they are attached to. The hero possesses unique skills, such as the ability to tame masics and capture artefacts.

Overall, R-Planet is a complex and strategic game that requires careful planning, resource management, and tactical decision-making to succeed. Players must work together and compete with each other to save the planet and emerge victorious in the face of a deadly threat. With multiple factions to choose from and a variety of gameplay options, R-Planet offers a thrilling gaming experience for players looking for a challenge.


Splinterlands is a unique digital trading card game that allows players to truly own their cards and other in-game assets. It is free to play, giving players a chance to learn the mechanics and begin collecting cards before purchasing anything. But the blockchain game account is not created until they upgrade the Summoner’s Spellbook, the NFT pass. Exclusive rewards are as follows:
  • Purchase packs, cards and land
  • Earn SPS for battling
  • Transfer assets in and out of the game
  • Participate in Daily Focus and earn Season rewards

The core part of gameplay is the card collection, consisting of Summoners and Units. Each player chooses one Summoner per battle, which is a necessity for the card collection. That Summoner then summons a team of up to 6 Units of the player’s choice. Each Summoner has buffs, debuffs, or abilities that affect all the Units during the battle. Units are the cards that form a Splinterlands battle team. They either belong to a specific Element (Fire, Water, Earth, Life, Death, or Dragon) or they are Neutral cards. Neutral Units can be summoned by a Summoner from any Element, while other Units can only be summoned by Summoners of that specific Element.

For each card, there are 4 rarities, which determines how many copies need to be combined to level up a card to reach its Maximum Potential. Regardless of the rarity, cards share some fundamental attributes.

  1. Foil. A Gold Foil means a higher rarity
  2. Splinter. It’s a special element that defines a card’s affinity. It plays a bigger role in the context of Quests and battle conditions
  3. Level. Increasing the level may lead to new abilities or an increase in STATS
  4. Ability. Special skills or effects. Summoners usually boost your cards or afflict the enemy negatively

In Splinterlands, there are two different gameplay formats: Wild Ranked Battles and Modern Ranked Battles. By splitting Splinterlands Gameplay into two formats, players are allowed to enjoy ranked battles specific to their card collection. Players who mainly own newer cards might benefit from playing in the Modern format. Only cards from more recent card editions are playable in this format. On the other hand, veteran players with a more diverse collection including Alpha & Beta cards may enjoy playing in the Wild format, where all cards from all sets are playable.

Moreover, if you want to give it a try, you can find more strategies on the Splintertalk website!

Blockchain Brawlers

It is very hard to neglect their tagline ‘the rowdiest PlayAndOwn game in the Metaverse’. Since it was launched in December 2022, the game has released several eye-catching updates, including tournaments and bunches of events. The roadmap for the first half of 2023 is freshly out, loaded with the ecosystem, product, and user experience improvements.

The game’s emphasis on strategic thinking and tactical decision-making makes for some truly thrilling battles, where every move counts and every decision can turn the tide of the fight.

But what really sets this game apart for me is the incredible fun and excitement of its tournaments. Whether you’re competing against friends or going head-to-head with some of the best players from around the world, these tournaments are always an absolute blast.

Here is why:


As a play-to-earn brawler strategy game, players can equip their brawlers with different gear and use them to compete against other players and own NFT brawlers and earn BRWL tokens on the WAX blockchain network. The game is available to play on browsers and can be accessed from both mobile and PC platforms; gamers can access the game by connecting their WAX Cloud Wallets to the game’s website.

The entry ticket has not yet been expensive. Once the team has the inventory and loadout feature up and running, no one will be allowed to play without the minimum 12 NFTs required (1 Brawler, the eight (8) cards and three (3) moves).

The good news is that they have Starter Packs for sale at a very reasonable price. Just enter the game and we will guide you on how to make this one-time purchase to get going. To read more about the minimum requirements for PvP and how this all works, head over to the Whitepaper.

For now, you’ll need a least 1 Brawler + 1 Ring to start brawling.

Starter packs are available on OpenSea and VIRL Market


In Blockchain Brawlers, in order to begin playing, players must possess at least one NFT brawler and one NFT ring. The number of brawlers that can be used depends on the rarity of the ring, with legendary rings allowing for up to eight brawlers to be used at once in eight different matches. Brawlers are categorized by rarity, including common, uncommon, rare, epic, and legendary, and the reward earned at the end of a match is determined by the rarity of the brawler used. Additionally, there are gold versions of NFTs that are more valuable and can be collected by randomly earning them as a rare loot drop during matches.

Brawlers can be equipped with various items such as steel chairs and brass knuckles, which can be used to inflict more damage on opponents and earn more bonuses. NFTs that are not brawlers have limited durability that decreases each time they are used, and they will be removed from the game once their durability reaches zero.

Players can craft their brawlers and participate in matches; brawlers of all kinds can be crafted except legendary ones. Brawlers can participate in twenty-four matches in a day, they need to recover after each match before going back into the ring. This takes sixty minutes to fully recharge. Brawlers lose health with each match, BRWL and in-game gold can be used to heal brawlers. They can also be used to craft enhanced rings and more gear. Then, you’re all set for two brawlers to clash!


BRWL tokens are used to craft gear and brawlers and heal brawlers. It is earned through brawling, the amount earned can be increased by equipping better and rarer brawlers and gear. It can be traded, gifted, or swapped for other tokens on different decentralized exchanges.

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