Community Asks: Does Cryptopia Have a First Person Mode?
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Community Asks: Does Cryptopia Have a First Person Mode?

1 year ago

Dadaaanft from our Twitch community asked about first person mode in Cryptopia

Community Asks: Does Cryptopia Have a First Person Mode?

In the video, Laudie, Cryptopia's Community Manager, addresses a question from dadaaanft regarding the possibility of having a first-person view while traveling in a ship within the game. Laudie acknowledges that this is an excellent question, as the development team at Cryptopia had not considered this feature yet.

Furthermore, Laudie highlights the importance of community feedback in helping to improve the game. He notes that suggestions from the community are invaluable and that the team at Cryptopia is always open to listening to and implementing feedback.

Overall, the video demonstrates Cryptopia's commitment to actively engaging with the community and improving the game based on their feedback. By being open to suggestions and willing to implement new features, Cryptopia creates an environment that fosters collaboration and innovation, ultimately leading to a better gaming experience for all players.


What is Cryptopia?
Cryptopia is an upcoming blockchain game that stands out by design:
• Free to earn: everyone can play and earn. No need to buy an NFT first
• 100% decentralized: the game runs on the blockchain in combination with a node network
• Fun to play: play the way you want!
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