Google Cloud to offer specialized support and $200K in credits for Web3 startups
Crypto News

Google Cloud to offer specialized support and $200K in credits for Web3 startups

1 year ago

Google Cloud recently revealed a groundbreaking initiative to accelerate the development of Web3 startups and projects, focusing on improving scalability and security. By providing innovative solutions and support, Google Cloud aims to empower entrepreneurs and creators to build ...

Google Cloud to offer specialized support and $200K in credits for Web3 startups

Google Cloud recently revealed a groundbreaking initiative to accelerate the development of Web3 startups and projects, focusing on improving scalability and security. By providing innovative solutions and support, Google Cloud aims to empower entrepreneurs and creators to build and expand their Web3 offerings more efficiently than ever before.

The official press release states that Web3 technology projects and startups, from pre-seed to Series A stages, are invited to apply for Google for Startups Cloud Program.

These eligible projects can use Google Cloud’s exclusive Web3-specific benefits, including technical and collaboration support and up to $200,000 in Google Cloud credits over two years.

With this program, Google Cloud is committed to enhancing the Web3 ecosystem by offering specialized benefits and resources tailored to the unique needs of Web3 innovators.

By leveraging its cutting-edge technology and expertise, Google Cloud aims to help Web3 startups and projects overcome challenges and thrive in this exciting new space.

Moreover, Google Cloud has announced that it will provide more than $3 million in investments in the Polygon Ventures Ecosystem Fund. As a result of this initiative, users will have access to all the benefits offered by Polygon Ventures.

In addition, users participating in this event will be eligible to receive various benefits, including discounts from companies such as Nansen, Alchemy, and ThirdWeb. With this launch, Startups and Web3 users will be free to access any resources they desire from any community they choose.

Google Cloud’s foray into the Web3 industry has been gaining momentum, with a relationship between the two sectors dating back to 2017. In 2022, Google Cloud partnered with the BNB chain, and just last month, it announced a collaboration with the Celo Foundation.

Integrating Celo and Google Cloud aims to promote the adoption of the Celo blockchain worldwide and foster a blockchain-friendly environment for Celo users.

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