Move is a programming language initially used to build the Diem blockchain. It was created by the Diem Association, which was a tech consortium backed by Meta.
The Move programming language was initially used to build the Diem blockchain. It was created by the Diem Association, which was a tech consortium backed by Meta. Although the blockchain was eventually discarded, Move is still in use today.
In doing so, Move maximizes safety while maintaining a streamlined design and significantly lower gas costs than blockchains not built on Move.
Move uses linear logic, meaning resources can only be used once and never copied or implicitly discarded. This allows developers to encode custom resource types that cannot be erased or duplicated and are treated better than others.
Move's static type system is where variables must be defined as a type (a number/word). It protects prioritized resources. Still, they can be used like regular elements and stored in data structures or supplied as values in calculations. Resources are also transparent in modules and hidden from being called up by external sources.
Moreover, modules in Move are flexible and safe since the relationship among modules, resources and procedures is like the relationship among classes, objects and methods in object-oriented programming.
The lack of dynamic dispatch avoids call graph construction and enables static determination of the call site. This allows Move to identify the effects of a procedure call more easily and without additional complexities.
Thanks to its modularity, modules can be isolated for functional verification, and they help with abstracting data and localizing critical operations on resources. Safety is guaranteed by encapsulating the module alongside the language's type system, meaning the code outside of a module cannot violate its types. Additionally, by examining isolated modules, it will provide thorough functional verification for significant module invariants.
Finally, Move rejects programs not following type safety, memory safety and resource safety. Instead, a high-level programming language with a compiler, responsible for checking the properties, can be used. The alternative is a low-level untyped assembly with safety checks.
The Move programming language stands out from other blockchain programming languages in several ways:
It does not have limits in defining custom data types of procedures.
It embeds access control policies in language semantics.
It allows finding single assets with representation in the programming language. Custom assets ought to be reviewed for safety properties by their developer.
This allows Move to create new assets with scarcity easily, without forcing developers to engineer it on their own. Furthermore, it allows developers to modify and customize access control, making the programming language more versatile and scalable than its rivals.
The Move programming language features several components that form its basis.
These can be Boolean, unsigned integers (64-bit), fixed-size byte arrays and address (256-bit) data types.
Two specific types: kind and unrestricted. The former refers to resource structures and the latter to general structures.
Methods that are either public or internal. Acyclic module dependency helps in ward off any re-entrance attacks.
Focuses on checking for safety traits before module publication. Before programs are live on the network, they go through the verifier and pass several verification stages like:
Type checking
Stack balance checking
Reference checking
Control graph development
Reference linking
Resource checking
It follows the verification and is similar to Ethereum using gas. Thus, it ensures infinite loop executions.
Similar to other blockchains, with blocks containing multiple transactions and each transaction executed to create a transaction effect. The effect generates the updated global state of the blockchain, with a separation between effects and state transitions.
Move was used in the discarded Diem blockchain by Meta. Current blockchains building on Move include the Aptos blockchain and the Sui blockchain.
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