New Website Reveals Losses of Celsius Network's Biggest Customers
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New Website Reveals Losses of Celsius Network's Biggest Customers

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Each of the 10 customers who were most invested in Celsius had a balance worth tens of millions of dollars — and collectively, they're down $220 million.

New Website Reveals Losses of Celsius Network's Biggest Customers

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A new website has emerged that shows how much Celsius users lost when the crypto lender entered into bankruptcy. even features a leaderboard that shows which customers were hardest hit when the company paused withdrawals because of "extreme market conditions."

A man called Jacob Benjamin Fite tops the list with losses of $40,468,920.35.

Hirokado Kohji comes second with $38.1 million, while Russell Garth Stewart and Keri David Taiaroa lost $26.4 million and $21.4 million respectively.

Each of the 10 customers who were most invested in Celsius had a balance worth tens of millions of dollars — and collectively, they're down $220 million.

The embattled company — which has since shed most of the executives who were in charge at the time of its collapse — is grappling with a $1.2 billion black hole in its balance sheet.

Efforts are still underway to piece together Celsius Network's finances, and deduce exactly how much cryptocurrency it holds.

It may be months yet before withdrawals resume — and even then, customers may receive considerably less than what they are owed.

The losses incurred by Celsius Network users came into the public domain as the result of a 14,500-page court document last week — revealing transactions in granular detail.

Full names are on show for all to see — as well as the dates transactions were made, and the type of account used.

Deposits and interest payments are also itemized, alongside the value of the cryptocurrency and its exchange rate into U.S. dollars.

However, addresses have been redacted throughout the court filing.

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