Last Week on Crypto Twitter: Rate Limit Exceeded
Crypto News

Last Week on Crypto Twitter: Rate Limit Exceeded

In case you've exceeded your Twitter rate limit — check out our roundup of the latest happenings on CT, including reflink drama and NFT reveal gone wrong.

Last Week on Crypto Twitter: Rate Limit Exceeded

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We aim to bring you the best of Crypto Twitter every week.

Unfortunately, there have been extreme levels of data scraping and system manipulation trying to take advantage of our impeccable weekly coverage.

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Whose Threads Are a Must-Read?

Now that your rate limit has been topped up, let’s get to this week’s “useful info” bit.

Crab markets are the time when you accumulate knowledge that you monetize for cold hard computer coins in bull markets. No better way of doing that than by following creators that provide you with analysis of markets you can’t follow yourself.

DeebsDeFi has a useful list of undervalued creators in crypto:
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And if you need assistance with sifting through all the alpha, ChatGPT is here to help: How To Use ChatGPT for Crypto Research
A good rule of thumb for finding crypto alpha is following whales and copy-trading them. Works until it doesn’t. But you can find profitable whales with a few simple steps, and Dami-Defi shows you how:
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Once you found your list of trusted whales, head here for further instructions: Trading 101: What Is Copy Trading?
Many people are betting on L2s and L3s delivering most of the profits in the next bull run. Better stay updated about trends in that space with Stacy Muur’s thread about the cutting-edge developments of L2s:
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A real deep-dive thread covering all the L2 developments. Another new L2 you should check out is Fraxchain: What Is Fraxchain? Frax Finance's New Layer-2 Chain
If all that L2 and shitcoin trading is too complicated for you, no worries. Just copy-trade your favorite TradFi suit by aping into the Bitcoin Spot ETF once it is approved (if it gets approved). The ultimate timeline countdown to the Bitcoin Spot ETF is here:
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And the full breakdown on what to expect from the Spot ETF is here: Macro Brief Q2 2023: The Institutions Are Coming
Last but not least, throwback time to the worst art reveals in NFT history. Azuki came in at a respectable sixth place, but there were a few even worse NFT collections:
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Wisdom of the Week

Have doomers ever considering taking in the wisdom from someone that’s been around for long enough:

You don’t want to be underexposed to this scenario. Let that sink in.

Who Is Arguing In Way Too Public A Place?

Time for some drama baby!

Crypto Twitter needs to eat, crab market market or not. And with prices crabbing around $30K, the market isn’t really giving much juice to squeeze.

But you know who can always be squeezed?

An influenza’s followers!

Yes, a wolf needs to eat. Sometimes even his own followers:

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That shocking plot twist took Crypto Twitter by surprise and not everyone liked it:

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But unlike other influenza, Hsaka was cut some slack in the community for this out-of-character move:

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The sudden push of Gainzy into a supporting cast role was unexpected but well worth the laughs:

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Meanwhile, a kind-of-crypto-related drama we covered recently was Marrio Nawfal, the shill-turned-citizen journalist. Turns out the FBI and SEC want to have a look at what they doin’ over there:

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Mario’s Twitter Space botting practices may not be illegal, but they sure guarantee for an exciting “more to come” in this story…

Elon Building Twitter

This round-up was going to be a rather routine report. But then Elon Musk decided to rattle the bird cage with this bombshell announcement:

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400M impressions and counting, let that sink in!

Of course everyone and their grandmothers had an opinion on this. Here’s a best of “omg Elon what are you doing”:

Edward Snowden doesn’t like this at all:

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Dylan LeClair thinks there is more to it than Elon admits:

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ZachXBT clearly has to touch some grass and stop scrolling the feed:

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The Elon parody account thinks this is a brilliant idea to counter the “loneliness epidemic:”

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And Mike Benz provides an intriguing argument for why this may be good:
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That’s all we could scroll before the rate limit ran out! Luckily, Elon already raised it to 1K and 10K for blue ticks, so we may be back at business as usual by the next round-up.

Steady lads, former Twitter CEO deploying more shitposts:

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Talk of the Town

And yes, in between all of that gossiping and cockfighting, crypto happened as well. Kinda.

The FTX relaunch seems to be back on the table. Don’t act so surprised, Crypto Twitter:
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Our favorite Bitcoin bro, Michael Saylor, is still long and strong. In fact, he is now longer and stronger after buying some more bitcoin:
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Then there was talks about a stablecoin not fully backed and losing its fiat rails:

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On the Coinbase vs SEC front, more good news for Coinbase. The SEC’s case is getting flimsier by the week. Remember bulltrapper’s wisdom of the week? You do not want to be underexposed:

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The funniest bit of the week was undoubtedly the “Azuki revealing a new collection” drama. If you, like this writer, only reluctantly follow NFTs, here’s the TLDR:
  • Azuki, a “blue chip" NFT collection, revealed a new collection called “Elementals.”
  • The Azuki executives did not go to great creative lengths to distinguish the new batch from the old.
  • The result: both batches look virtually identical and the genesis collection are now worth somewhat less.

A community call was frantically called to minimize the damage and make sure the golden goose isn’t prematurely slaughtered. The results:

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A more serious item on the list was almost all institutions re-filing the spot ETF applications last Friday after the SEC demanded some clarifications. Not the mighty BlackRock though:

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And while some on Crypto Twitter been busy with shilling ref links, others have turned to real-world assets in the last 12 months. A progress report:

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The memes this week did not disappoint.

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Re-staking the rest of out rate limit for next week. See you then!

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