Weekly Roundup

Weekly Roundup

1 year ago

Updates for 14-21 April '23

Weekly Roundup

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Solana Name Service Stats

It’s good to see the top domains being nouns for a change! On another note, the registration volume picked up a bit this week - is it owing to the Brave integration or multiple token registrations?

Chinese Homepage

Our homepage has finally been translated into Chinese! You can now access both EN (English) and ZH (Chinese) on our website. We're taking small steps to make SNS more accessible and this one is definitely worth celebrating. Keep your eye out for the naming service website to be translated next.

Partner Spotlights

Pyth Network & hashmail

This week we celebrated amongst some of our favorite partners Pyth and hashmail. We spent some time with the teams on their respective community calls reflecting on some of the awesome work they have done and how we have managed to contribute to it.

Our partnership with hashmail is ever-expanding and you can expect to see more fun integrations between the two of us.

Pyth’s website is now officially hosted on pyth.sol using Brave! Are you hosting your website with your .sol domain?

Looking Back

Every now and then we need to take some time to reflect on the work we have done so far. As the first quarter has come to an end we want to dedicate a section of our blog to just looking back.

Peer-to-peer trading

P2P trading was an awesome development and was inspired by a community member through our feedback campaign. This trading feature is fully equipped with all the tools you may need to trade efficiently amongst peers. Read more about the development here.

Auto-suggest feature

Auto-suggest has been a real game changer for our website and hopefully our users too. It shows all the details about the domains you are searching for right from the get-go. Whether they are available, variations of the domain you are searching, the owners of domains and more.

xChain .sol domains

Of course, we can’t forget about bridging to the BNB Smart Chain. SNS domains now comfortably resolve on the BNB chain and are ready to be used for transacting (where wallet integrations have taken place). Learn how to bridge your domain name here.

Coming Soon

On-chain categories & collection bidding

The SNS Optics categories are in the works of being pushed on-chain. Wait, what does this mean? Our SNS categories have always been divided by an API and not in the backend by the blockchain. This put a blocker on our users being able to place “collection bids” on specific categories, for example, or for categories to serve as individual collections under the umbrella of SNS. I’ll leave some of the development to the imagination, more on it next week in our blog!

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