What Happened in Crypto Today: Did ApeFest Lights Send Some Attendees to the ER?
Crypto News

What Happened in Crypto Today: Did ApeFest Lights Send Some Attendees to the ER?

From NFTs finally bouncing back to Microsoft users getting scammed, here is a 3-minute breakdown of everything important that happened in crypto today.

What Happened in Crypto Today: Did ApeFest Lights Send Some Attendees to the ER?

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CoinMarketCap here! Even with markets trending up and NFTs finally seeing a turnaround, not everyone's coming out ahead - some are still falling for crypto scams. 😑 But don't worry, we've got the DL on all the key stories so you can stay in the know.

Let's do a speedy rundown of today's big headlines:

Now let's dive into the details of each of these need-to-know crypto stories!

Huge Vulnerability in ZkSync Era

Blockchain security firm ChainLight discovered a major vulnerability in the zkSync Era protocol. We're talking big money at risk if it was exploited. Thankfully, exploiting it was extremely difficult.

Matter Labs quickly resolved the issue after ChainLight's report. Disaster averted!

You might wanna check your favorite protocols for this vulnerability. More details here!

NFT Sales Rebound

Looks like the NFT market is finally seeing a turnaround after tanking for so long. DappRadar reports sales jumped 32% in October. The boost comes after months in the dumps for the NFT world.

Ethereum led the charge with a 50% increase in volume. But the signs of life may be premature - sales still remain below March's peak. Find more details!

Lay Offs at Leading NFT Platform

OpenSea, the leading NFT marketplace, surprised many by laying off close to 50% of its employees. Some kind of corporate shake-up…

But CEO Devin Finzer says the move is aimed at making OpenSea more agile and responsive. He wants to create a flatter structure with fewer executives and more innovation.

Just when the NFT market saw a 32% rebound? Maybe he is telling the truth. More details here!

Fake App Steals Over $500K

Well, this leaves a bad taste - a fake Ledger app snuck into the Microsoft store and scammed users out of thousands of dollars. The app tricked people into thinking it was the real Ledger Live interface.

Microsoft removed it, but not before the hackers scored themselves a big haul. You can’t even trust software on the official app store anymore? How to avoid these scams? More details here!

And that brings us to our Word of the Day!

It’s ‘Phishing Attack’!

So what is a phishing attack?

It’s where a scammer pretends to be a trusted institution or person to trick people into revealing sensitive information such as Social Security numbers, passwords, banking details, etc., often through a malware link disguised as legitimate.

Crypto phishing is a popular way to attack victims to reveal their private keys unknowingly. The victim is scammed into trusting the attacker, pretending to be a legitimate. After obtaining the information, the victim's funds are drained from their wallet.

But how exactly do hackers execute these attacks? And how can you recognize them? Read more!

Now back to our daily stories!

ApeFest Lights Blind Attendees

Last bit of crazy news - it seems the lighting setup at Yuga Lab's ApeFest in Hong Kong was bright enough to burn retinas!

Multiple attendees reported eye damage, blurred vision and intense pain. Some even went to the ER. How many attendees were affected exactly? And how did that all happen? Read more!

And that's the tea for today! Tune in tomorrow for more stories.

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