Coinbase Addresses User Account Restrictions Amid Increased Activity
Crypto News

Coinbase Addresses User Account Restrictions Amid Increased Activity

Created 3mo ago, last updated 3mo ago

Coinbase's support account on X, @CoinbaseSupport, has responded to numerous reports from users claiming their accounts have been restricted.

Coinbase Addresses User Account Restrictions Amid Increased Activity

Coinbase's support account on X, @CoinbaseSupport, has responded to numerous reports from users claiming their accounts have been restricted.

This surge in account restrictions follows an uptick in user activity after recent elections, prompting the company to characterize user complaints as "FUD" (fear, uncertainty, and doubt).

The platform acknowledged that the increase in new and reactivated users has coincided with a 2-3x rise in fraudulent attempts. In a series of posts, Coinbase stated that its fraud-prevention systems have successfully protected customers from tens of millions in potential losses in November alone.

However, the company also noted that this increase has led to a "minor increase in restricted accounts" and longer customer support wait times.

Security researchers have expressed concerns regarding Coinbase's risk assessment policies, particularly its view on VPN usage. Scott Shapiro, Coinbase's product director, stated that because attackers frequently use VPNs, the platform’s risk models may flag legitimate users employing these tools in conjunction with other suspicious activities.

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He clarified that using a VPN alone would not trigger account restrictions, but rather a combination of factors could lead to a false positive requiring additional security review.

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Critics have highlighted Coinbase's delayed customer support, particularly during weekends. Taylor Monahan, a principal security researcher at Metamask, criticized the company's response times, emphasizing that cryptocurrency transactions often occur outside traditional business hours.
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