HODL Weekly Update: March 20 – March 26

HODL Weekly Update: March 20 – March 26

Created 1yr ago, last updated 1yr ago

HODL Weekly Update: March 20 – March 26

Table of Contents

The HODL team has had another busy and productive week, with numerous updates and accomplishments to share. From enhancing our online presence to expanding our product offerings, we continue to make strides in the crypto community.

Online Presence and Partnerships

We've updated the HODL achievements and HODL security pages, providing more accurate and relevant information for users. Additionally, our last roundup has been added to the website and CoinMarketCap. In an effort to increase our visibility, we've applied and been listed on Binance Feed, where we also posted our first article.
Our CoinMarketCap description has been rewritten, and we've updated our achievements on the HODL Reddit sidebar. We've also expanded our social media presence by adding merchandise galleries to both Reddit and on the HODL Facebook page.

Product and Service Enhancements

The HODL team is proud to announce that we've added more merchandise to the HODL store, now offering over 100 items. To improve the shopping experience, we've updated the store website and added new payment options. Moreover, we've developed the HODL Fighter game and provided a video update for our community.
In other accomplishments, we've resolved bugs on the HODLX.exchange platform and added more content to the HODL social media asset page.

Our marketing efforts remain strong, with 20 mini social media videos created to boost engagement. As a result, HODL is currently trending at No. 1 on Crypto.com and is also trending on LunarCRUSH.

Upcoming Developments

The design team is on track to complete the designs for all HODL games this week. We're also in the process of reaching out to prospective investors for our soon-to-be-registered company and continuing the development of the HODL app, which is nearing completion.

Through our strong and consistent social media marketing across all key channels, HODL has been trending on several major platforms this week.

Visit the HODL website to learn more about the project and view the HODL roadmap and HODL Whitepaper for more insight in to plans for the project.
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