PUBLISH holds PUBLISHlink workshop for employees of the Incheon Daily

PUBLISH holds PUBLISHlink workshop for employees of the Incheon Daily

1yr ago

PUBLISH holds PUBLISHlink workshop for employees of the Incheon Daily

PUBLISH is pleased to announce it held a PUBLISHlink workshop for employees of the Incheon Daily on November 1st.

Kim Ki-hyun, general director of PUBLISH, gave a lecture at the seminar held in Incheon Daily which is an alliance partner with PUBLISH. He explained the Web3.0 news ecosystem based on PUBLISH's protocol, highlighting the R&E system for readers, DID press cards for journalists, NFT services, and so on. And had a meaningful moment with the participants to discuss these services.

In addition, director Kim said, "We will support various blockchain-related business partners within the alliance and work with them to expand our news ecosystem".

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