Ubisoft and Immutable Collaborate for Web3 Gaming
Crypto News

Ubisoft and Immutable Collaborate for Web3 Gaming

7mo ago

Ubisoft Partners with Immutable for Web3 Game Development AAA gaming studio Ubisoft partners with a blockchain game firm, Immutable, to develop Web3 games through its Strategic Innovation Lab. The partnership aims to merge mainstream gaming quality with Web3 functionality, offeri...

Ubisoft and Immutable Collaborate for Web3 Gaming

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Ubisoft Partners with Immutable for Web3 Game Development

AAA gaming studio Ubisoft partners with a blockchain game firm, Immutable, to develop Web3 games through its Strategic Innovation Lab. 

The partnership aims to merge mainstream gaming quality with Web3 functionality, offering players immersive experiences. Immutable's success with flagship titles and their zero-knowledge rollup gaming solution adds value to the collaboration.
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