MATTY BEAT AWARD WEEK #4: The Crystal Matty Week

MATTY BEAT AWARD WEEK #4: The Crystal Matty Week

1yr ago

Event Announcement

MATTY BEAT AWARD WEEK #4: The Crystal Matty Week

Table of Contents

Hello, everyone!

Today is the start of the 4th week of~


For the 4th week (week #4), MetaBeat is presenting you with Crystal Matty Statue!

We want to celebrate the 4th week of the “MATTY BEAT AWARD” by serving you with the Crystal Matty Statue NFT giveaway!

It is open today and since

[May 2nd 15:00 (UTC+9)]

Check out our space and the event on Galxe through the link below!

Event details:

Crystal Matty Statue NFT: 40 of the total participants randomly selected and the 10 whitelist winners from Matty Medal Drop, a total of 50 winners.

$USDC ($100 value to each winner) 5 available: Those who win Crystal Matty Statue NFT, including the whitelist winners of “Week 4” from Matty Medal Drop, will be entered into a raffle to win $USDC. 5 of the Crystal Matty Statue winners will be randomly selected to receive the $USDC prize.

Winner Announcements:

A. Crystal Matty Statue: May 8th [16:30 UTC+9]
B. $100 USDC Raffle Prize: May 9th [15:00 UTC+9]
(Please check MetaBeat for announcements)

There will be no gas fee involved, since MetaBeat will be sending you the NFT directly to your wallet, if you are selected as the winner of the Crystal Matty Statue NFT(make sure to fill out the google form).

All participants (excluding the whitelisted members for “week 4”) must complete all tasks and verify from the MetaBeat’s Galxe campaign event.

Notice to whitelist winners from “Matty Medal Drop”

Here is the list of whitelist winners for Week #4 from the [Matty Medal Drop]:

*Only the above Matty Medal Drop whitelist winners are pre-selected to win Crystal Matty Statue NFT, as long as completing the tasks below, separate from Galxe page.

Please complete these tasks:

  1. Please complete these tasks:
    #1: MataBeat App Download and sign up (MetaBeat app is currently only available for download through Google Play Store/Android OS)
    #2: Follow MetaBeat on Reddit and Upvote
    #3: Fill in the google form*Your MetaBeat ID*Your Reddit ID*Polygon Address
  2. Make sure to fill out the google form below your MetaBeat UID, Reddit ID and the polygon address that you used to participate in the previous Matty Medal Drop. *We will use this information to match and verify your tasks.
  3. Please be advised that you must fulfill the the tasks #1, #2 and fill out the google form below (Credential #3), otherwise you will not be able to receive the Matty Statue NFT.
  4. You will receive (if you are the winner) the Crystal Matty Statue NFT right after the campaign ends.
  5. The raffle prizes will be given after the MATTY BEAT AWARD ends (May 8th), otherwise we will announce the distribution date seperately.
Whitelist winners” from Matty Medal Drop needs to fill out the google form below after completing the credentials.

WL Google form:

Thank you for supporting MetaBeat!


Raffle Prize Winners: Gold Matty Week (Week 3)

Full list of Gold Matty Statue NFT winners

Winners of the Raffle Prize ($50 Value $BEAT)

**Note: Please match your wallet address and the number on the left to see if you are the winner of the raffle prize. Number on the sheet varies from the token id.

Last week’s prize was $BEAT ($50 value each). The prize will be distributed after the entire Matty Beat Award ends on May 8th, 2023.
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