GRAND QUIZ NIGHT: Announcement of Winners

GRAND QUIZ NIGHT: Announcement of Winners

Created 1yr ago, last updated 1yr ago

This is an article announcing the winners of the Grand Quiz Night of the game Cryptopia

GRAND QUIZ NIGHT: Announcement of Winners

🎉 What a night!

🌟 Our Grand Quiz Night last March 31st was a blast!

🔥 A huge thank you to all the attendees and participants who made it a success!

🙌🎉 Congratulations to the winners who demonstrated their knowledge about Cryptopia! 🎓🏆 We hope you all had a great time and learned something new!

💡 Keep an eye out for our next big event because it's going to be even bigger and better! 🚀 Stay tuned for more updates from Cryptopia! 🌐

#Cryptopia #GrandQuizNight #Blockchain #Cryptocurrency #Winners #Knowledge #Community #NextBigEvent #StayTuned


What is Cryptopia?

Cryptopia is an upcoming blockchain game that stands out by design:
• Free to earn: everyone can play and earn. No need to buy an NFT first
• 100% decentralized: the game runs on the blockchain in combination with a node network
• Fun to play: play the way you want!
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