Ontology Weekly Report (March 14- 20, 2023)

Ontology Weekly Report (March 14- 20, 2023)

1yr ago

Ontology Weekly Report (March 14- 20, 2023)

Table of Contents


Amazing news! #Ontology has just hit 20k followers on CoinMarketCap! Thank you to our incredible community for your continued support and belief in our vision for a decentralized future.

Latest Developments

Development Progress

  • We are 100% done with the Rollup VM design. The White Paper will be published soon.
  • We are 96% done with the L2 blockchain browser.
  • We are 33% done with the optimization of EVM Bloom Bit Index
  • We are 34% done with the optimization of Ledger memory usage
  • We are 15% done with the optimization of ONT staking liquidity
  • We are 20% done with the L2 Sequencer Service.

Product Development

  • ONTO has updated to V4.4.8, support for the Astar chain, Chiliz Chain 2.0, Moonbeam chain, Moonriver chain, Oasis Emerald chain, ENULS MainNet.
  • Support for Aptos in Native Swap.
  • Support for switching nodes for dApps.
  • ONTO has updated the monthly report for February.

On-Chain Activity

  • 160 total dApps on MainNet as of March 20th, 2023.
  • 7427195 total dApp-related transactions on MainNet, an increase of 31,501 from last week.
  • 18,483,562 total transactions on MainNet, an increase of 46,171 from last week.

Community Growth

  • We started our Weekly Community Call Series. We talked about Chat GPT and the future of Web3. Users expressed their insights around this and actively engaged.
  • We held our Telegram weekly Community Discussion led by Ontology Loyal Members, discussing about ETHDenver. We also went over the Polls for MainNet Performance. Participants got the chance to win Loyal Member NFTs.
  • As always, we’re active on Twitter and Telegram, where you can keep up with our latest developments and community updates.

Global News

  • Continuing our ‘Meet the Team’ series, we’re very pleased to ask Ontology Harbinger, Andrej a few questions.
  • It’s time for our latest #OWN101, as part of our OWNInsights series. This week, we bring you “Depeg”.
  • Have you heard of #ONTID? It’s a decentralized #identity solution that is gaining popularity due to its unique features. ONT ID is a better DID solution for several reasons. Check out our tweet to learn more.
Ontology website / ONTO website / OWallet (GitHub)
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