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xFutures Hakkında

Launched on 27/05/2019, xFutures is a centralized exchange based in Seychelles. It supports physically-delivered future tokens.

xFutures, formed in partnership with OKEx through the OK Node Program, is a boutique exchange focusing on Future Tokens and tokenized assets.

Future Tokens, also commonly known as IOU's, are tokens that are expected to be created but have not yet been distributed by a project. Pre-issuance, xFutures users can buy a "future" of one of these tokens on the exchange.

As soon as the project releases the respective tokens, users can then swap their xTOKENs for mainnet tokens.

xFutures will explore trading locked tokens and other exotic token assets that are currently not traded within the crypto ecosystem. xFutures also conducts IEO events when launching new Future Tokens.

Devamını oku
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+2% Depth

-2% Depth


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