SquadSwap v2

SquadSwap v2

Volum de tranzacționare pentru Dex (24 ore)

RON 5,053,119.37

11 BTC

Despre SquadSwap v2

SquadSwap, powered by its native token $SQUAD, stands out as a decentralized exchange (DEX) backed by the PancakeSquad NFT community. It offers a user-friendly platform for seamless token swapping and ways to earn rewards, including liquidity provision, Farms, and Pools. A distinctive feature of SquadSwap is the widget. It allows communities to integrate a swap widget on their sites, leveraging SquadSwap's liquidity and smart contracts while earning fees from transactions processed through their widget. The use of $SQUAD as the driving force behind these operations fuels the ecosystem and enhances user engagement and platform growth. This comprehensive integration of trading, earning opportunities, and innovative tools, all powered by $SQUAD, cements SquadSwap's position in the decentralized finance landscape.
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